Can alchohol screw up your extent?


Can anyone tell me nearly their experience of using the new birth control pill LoEstrin 24 Fe?

It may not fold your period, but it may go and get you screwed.

People say i smell horrible but i don't smell anything. i enjoy been to the doctors but they read out its in my head

Alcohol can do anything to you.

Late length?

No it does not.

I am going to switch to tampons because it is the summer. Any advice? Anything I should know in the past I start?

probably. lots of things can screw up your interval.

I think I messed up beside the NUVA RINGHELP?

yessss, alcohol makes your blood see-through, so anything could happen. trust someone who didnt listen to her mother >.<

Is breast implant really safe anymore?

I dont reflect on so maybe you should check beside your doctor

What is there to know in the region of female ovulation?

Alcohol markedly disrupts the typical menstrual cycle, however, you may be experiencing one of a variety of menstrual and reproductive disorders... From irregular menstrual cycles to complete cessation of menses or bunking off of ovulation. You can consult your gynecologist for an examination, suggestion, and a full consultation about the irregular menstrual spell you've experienced

Is something wrong if I have period for a 1 and 1/2 weeks, then step 6 days and start again? Horrible pains too

unless abusive drinker, it should not mess up your cycle. Social drinkers should not frontage this problem. You may have hormonal lack of correspondence or some other gyn problem, consult your GYN

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