Abnormal bleeding, post coidal and random...confirmation of cervical erosion by MD closing week, cancer?

I have experienced some out of the ordinary bleeding the last two months, not much, until the finishing time I had intercourse beside my boyfriend - then I bled a tolerant bit but it was too hasty for my period. I go to the MD who suspected it may be chlamydia (which I doubt) because I was also suffering some itching (which I thought be due to possible yeast infection). She also confirmed a cervical erosion. I had be using douche (which I normally don't) and a spermicidal gel and thought the itching be due to that, but when I had the bleeding I become concerned. I have a history of severe dysplasia (pre-cancer) of the cervix which be treated and am very concerned that it may hold developed again and this could be the cause of the bleeding. I don't hold any signs or symptoms of chlamydia and only have itching that subsided after treatment for a yeast infection. My last pap be in Dec or Jan and it be normal. I should gain results this week. About what should I be concerned?

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That's great that your tests come back glum! It is true that cervical erosions can heal on their own, but I would tend to be concerned nearly your pap results. All you can do now is continue and see, but I would remain on pelvic rest until you know for sure. It's also a good opportunity for you and your boyfriend to find tested and establish a baseline, make sure you are both disease free, and remain monogamous. Good luck! I hope your results are well-mannered. You can increase your intake of folic acid and try to avoid doing things that conveyance the pH of your vagina (douching, ejaculation without deduction or use of condom, chemical spermicides.). Your pH and good nutrition and immune system are your best defenses against persistent dysplasia.

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While there are mostly no symptoms associated with cervical erosion, some women may experience nonstandard bleeding that is not bit of menstruation; bleeding after sexual intercourse; bleeding between periods; a clear or yellowish vaginal discharge that have no odor unless a vaginal infection is also present.
Cervical erosion is a normal condition that occur when the squamous epithelial cells grow out of the cervix and form an inflamed, red, velvet-type nouns that looks eroded and infected. The normal cervix have a narrow alley called the os which is crinkly with glandular cell that secret mucus; the rest of the cervical surface is wrinkled with flat, epithelial, cell on the outer surface. While it sounds scary to guess that your cervix is eroded, there is no actual erosion.

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I also would be concerned about bleeding and ruminate it might be chlamydia- since it is easily tested for should be one of the first things to do. If you hold not already had it done you should also own an HPV test done (this may own been done when you be diagnosed with the severe dysplasia. I would suggest that you not douche as it can conveyance the bacteria within the vagina and cause infections- I would wonder if the erosion is from the douche nozzle hitting the cervix or if the erosion is in reality a herpes lesion on the cervix. Lots of choices about things to verbs about. I would really really suggest you use condoms beside your partner 100% of the time to give your cervix a break- it is trying to restore to health from the dysplasia and having to do business with his proteins in the sperm will solitary make it harder for the cervix to treat.

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