Umm I hold a request for information dealing near my body weightiness?
Answers: Honey, you are small as it is. You shouldn't worry so much. Eat healthy and exercise to say your weight but don't feel upset in the region of eating. Just eat the right foods.
You don't want to start walking down the bridle path of being worried about what you put away so much because you could end up with an intake disorder. I was just resembling you when I was 18 and scared to guzzle because I was afraid to lose a size 3 pair of jeans. I stopped drinking for a long time. Well, I ate but just barely. I done up sick for a year because I destroyed my immune system. You don't want to end up like that or worse. .
my friend's youre hieght .
she's 95 pounds though .
and she's skinny .
skinny skinny skinny .
which process youre a bit skinnier than her .
you just be active .
and drink healthy.
but dont be SCARED of junkfood .
just dont devour too much of it .