Sweating problem!?

Its really annoying im 14 and not at all overweight and i sweat all the time,it doesnt even smell it just leaves huge noticable sweat patch on my clothes,can anybody help me?

How can i gain counterbalance?

i too have suffered next to problem perspiration i finally found some stuff that works its called perspirex anti perspirant. you put it on beforehand you go to bed and after its ready for the subsequent day .i bought it contained by boots for lb6.50 .it has really help me i hope you find this helps and virtuous luck!

Is not wearing underwear a good piece or bad entry?

Ask your doctor what is out there on the open market to help you I know in attendance's a few different products out there.

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Antiperspirant will assist...Ive know people who put it anywhere that sweat bothers them. You are still young at heart and might grow out of this and as long as it doesn't smell then don't verbs too much. Also wearing more clothes with highly developed cotton content will help wick stale the sweat without departure big patches. Be cheerful, it is good to sweat; it get rid of excess stuff your body doesn't need. Good Luck!!

Birth control pill interrogate?

Use Certain Dri to stop excessive underarm sweating, it works wonders! It tingles and burns a little, but not much and not for long.

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I'm fifteen, and basically recently solved my own underarm sweat problem. What you requirement to do is try over-counter antiperspirants (deodorants mostly), and if those do not work, talk to your doctor nearly prescription antiperspirants. There are prescription deodorants with a fortified type of aluminum in them, which is the antiperspirant itself. They also own medication, but that can cause dry mouth. These medication should only be sought out if your deodorant doesn't lend a hand. If you must go to your doctor, afterwards you may have Hyperhidrosis. There is a verbs for more information 'www.sweathelp.org'. They have a division designed especially for informing teens and giving more advice. I hope you find a solution soon!

I am really confused?

u can c ur docta n receive proper deodorant x

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i had alike problem when i was young-looking.the doctor can prescribe talc etc but none of that worked for me i had sweat glands removed when i be 15 and never looked back.one and only problem i have is the scare,about 3 inches long make me feel particularly self conscious but i think they may be capable of do key hole surgery presently which would be minimal scaring.

Lose it, drop it, show it?

umm. sorry im not a sweaty being if i wer u maybe dont be as busy!!

Help please!?

hey ,
have you hear about that site call stop sweating and start living , they offer a book that carry the same title, i bought that book some time ago and my sweating problems enjoy gone for good, here is the intermingle to it http://stop-sweating.co.nr , hope it helps.

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