I enjoy soreness and it burns when I urinate after (and ONLY after sex) only 4 that year. By the next hours of daylight, im ok

I'm a female, 18, and newly began to hold sex 2 mths ago. I've never had an std or problems approaching this. We always use a condom. I've one and only had vaginal intercourse in the region of 7 times, and after EVERYTIME, I feel this route. Any other day, I'm fine. My boyfriend thrusts too intricate and too fast EVERYTIME...could this be the root? Is my area in recent times irritated from the friction ? Or should I be more worried??

Is it normal to bleed a moment or two after a straight forward smear?

Sounds like cystitis.
Drink cranberry liquid before & after sex.
Cranberry liquid is a urinary antiseptic and can ease the agony of urinating.
I hope this helped. =]

My time of year is really late!?

This emphatically sounds like it could be a bladder infection although you have a feeling ok a couple days later (sometimes the symptoms can clear up for a spell). I would recommend have this situation further evaluated by your dr to see what they think is going on.

Girls: do you shave your parts?

maybe your allergic to the latex on the condom

Irregular Menstruation and Puberty?

you are suffering from uti(urinary tract infection) munificently visit a suitable physician for proper investigation and treatment.


Can you take prenatal vitamins beside metformin and yaz 28?

That may mean that do to not self 100% clean earlier sex... Might be just an irritation !! But surrounded by time could get worse !?! & or How habitually do you get bladder infections? Please both YOU & partner pratice SAFE~SEX !! among other things !!-<G/L>~!![7/1/07]-`'R"r.r`r,...

Is it true that?

Damn...that is to say SEXY AS HELL...yeah.. baby...lick my mouth and ask for seconds...


Are clots during a interval normal?

no you shouldn't be worried. i used to take a UTI (urinary tract infection) after i had sex, and my doctor prescribed me next to anti-biotics. i took one pill right before/after sex. also, i am very sensitive to certian condoms. for example, i cannot use lifestyles at adjectives. that could also be affecting you.

I want to have a brazillian bikini wax?

i meditate is normal.
usually the headache will gone the next year.

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