Is it okay to have sex when i hold my peroid?

i want to i think it would be sexy.

When do you commence counting the 28-30 days between your periods?

It's without blemish normal and sound to have intercourse during your menstrual spell. You should refrain from oral sex during this time, however, as blood attracts microbes and it may not be the most sanitary thing to ingest.

The with the sole purpose issue is that it may get a bit messy so its either a worthy time to try shower sex, or make sure you own a towel to put under you so that you don't bleed on things.

I took the morning pill? I enjoy a Problem!?

Besides being messy I own had my GYN direction against it - it can cause infections.


go for it!

DOn't plan to sound wierd.?

It is without blemish ok
No problems other than putting down a towel
Oral sex is OK too

What is a vargenty? i am with the sole purpose 10 iam wanting to know very unpromising!?

it's ok, just gross, blood everywhere

"oh he's stabbing me, he's stabbing me!!"... ok, i'm corny

the solitary thing is depending when you do it, your cramps may be worse the subsequent few days.

Ruptured ovarian cyst Qs?

Depends on your appitite for blood... Sure its perfectly fine to do so, but both you and your guy own to be in impossible to tell apart frame of mind and not mind being adjectives bloody and stuff - and sometimes it smells pretty bad too.

Line down stomach, but not pregnant?!?

ok no. how can THAT be sexy. thats so gross and so out of row with the Bible. jump read it and stop asking such questions!

Ladies please assist?

Okay, now that's basically disgusting. How in the world can you think have sex during your period is sexy?

Why is it that?

sorry, i don't be determined to be rude, but i just own to ask: isn't that really gross? there would be blood everywhere!
i plan, can't u just keep on like 4 days?
again, i don't show to be rude, but seriously...

also, if u do choose to, make sure your boyfriend know...otherwise it might scar him for a hugely long time

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