Can a birth control pill..?

help make your menstrual cycle come prompt?

What are the risks of anal sex? I've had it already but be just wondering if anything could shift wrong?

YES! I was totally irregular until that time I started the pill. Once on them, my cycle were a regular 28-29 days. Sometimes doctors even prescribe it to regulate period.

What is the hole for sex?

Yes it can. I was on the Pill for years and my spell was other on time - to the exact afternoon!

I haven't got my time of year yet this month and pregnancy testing are negative, what give?

Actually that is one of the reason a lot of girls lift birth control. It will make your spell very regular. That is why younger girls use it and not so much as a contriceptive.
Works resourcefully for both.

Im 13 and dont have my length?

Docs have used birth control to catch a handle on irregular cycles for some time in a minute. You will usually bleed less and know exactly when by the starting of the 'sugar' pills. I used them for this principle and had virtually no cramping, no surprises, and no worries.

Help: It is undamaging to take pills? to avoid pregnency?

Yes it can, if also can engineer it lighter, and sometime heavier.

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