As a womanly i am really self-conscious about my b.o. mine is unusually (bad) strong. how can I fix this? sustain!

most of the smell is under my arms and (blush) btwn my legs (i know... eww) what is cause this (groan)?

New easy uncap tampon wrapper?

BO is due to bacteria, donate some alum to your bath river. From

Is it safe to own sex during my "period week" if I'm on the pill?

Go to a pharmacy and attain an Anti Sweat stick and just rub it lower than your arms and on the sides of your legs after you've showered. You only own to use it once a day. If adjectives else fails, call on your doctor.

How to clean out your body Fesies. i group your body has up to 11 pounds of Fesies. what can i thieve to clean?

If you hold a bad odor contained by the vaginal area you call for to see a doc as you may have an infection. For underarm odor translate your deodorant till you find one that works. Also be sure your underwear is 100% cotton and don't use soaps, lotions, body sprays or douche in the vaginal area as this can be part of a set of the problem. Go see your doc for the vaginal odor as you may have an infection.

Is it possible?

I enjoy no idea - what make this happen but I'd suggest you switch up deo's and use both a deo and anti persp.
I find arm and tack hammer makes a right deo and secret usually higher than it. I find using a shower gel with a nice flavor helps

As far as your 'feminine' again with the deo soap, and repeat.
I would also buy a womanly deo spray FDS and wear a panty liner - When you spray it (do it on your panties)

Also if it is very impossible see your MD for a yeast infection or UTI

Perhaps something in your diet? Drink a lot of fluids to flush out your system -

I+opposite of w+initial of ice+twice the reminder b4T+3/4 of X+(1-1)+topless 0?

The first step is to shave the hair rotten - odor-causing bacteria thrive surrounded by body hair surrounded by moist places. Second step is to shower/bathe daily several times, starting in the morning, and bath these areas thoroughly with soap or bodywash. Third step is to use pious deodorants for both locations (not anti-perspirants). If you're a teenager, your body is undergo changes that recurrently result in excess body odor, and you more or smaller number have to live next to whatever is departed after you follow those three steps.

Tampax Pearl or Playtex Gental Glide?

I used to have this problem and tried to fix it by using antibacterial soap. Found out it basically exacerbated the problem and then I switched to mild soap resembling Dove or Ivory and the problem went WAY down. Now I use a special soap to be exact all crude and I have no more problems as long as I shower at lowest every other day. I can walk as long as two days if I get busy or good-for-nothing. Only problem I have in a minute is that I've gone back to the skin I have in my youth which be a bit too oily...but it's not worth complaining over.

Could it be a yeast infection?

you can wear lots of purfume and deoterant and see if here is anything else that can help you

If you budge to the docter to see if your a virgin does fingering or tampons count?

Like the others say, see the Dr for vaginal exam, the armpits, try looking for the right deodorant that works for you. There is also another item to note, it's how you munch through daily, and are you getting a obedient source of vitamins from veggies/ fruit in your diet daily?

Yogurt is a BIG PLUS...It fight off microbes in your body.
Good luck at your Dr's bureau & hope you find good tips and hints...

Is this common?

Maybe you are stress and/or anxious. I have indistinguishable problem sometimes, I don't stink and at times I smell really bad even ehem here.And I'm the one of cleaniest person my friends ever know.

But if you hold the guts to talk to your doctor consequently open up the issues to him/her. But hey don't discern bad do you aren't alone. And if people are discriminate you incentive of that then the heck w/them and tolerate them deal w/you stinky while you're keeping your team leader up and showing them you have guts!

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