Spotting once again?
Please help. i enjoy discharge?
ive always be a spotter, a few years ago i spotted 6 weeks straight, so my dr sent me for an ultrasound, bloodtests, pap smear, then finally a curette
all showed up nought, i also know alot of women who spot, its mostly nothing, right luck, and eat full-bodied too, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I just started my time today and.?
Hi.I have duplicate problem.
It turned out for me that I have a fibroid, which is cause mostly by excess hormones. Check with your OB/GYN. Unfortunately, they will single suggest you to go on Birth Control Pills (BCP), which I am not unequivocal to OR surgery :-( . Since it is a hormone issue, the quickest and easiest way to resolve the issue is next to BCP's.
I tried a supplement called : Vitex. It is a hormone regulator..It is adjectives natural. My holistic doctor recommended because she also have the same problem and it worked for her. It worked for me for a short time while, but my fibroid is inside my uterus, which is more severe, so I actually stipulation surgery...ugh.
Good luck and feel free to reply next to any other questions you may enjoy.
Which form(s) of birth control are most likely to motive you to gain weight?
It is a sign of fibriod or would be that u re pregnancy.Is it risk-free be double penetrated??
Hey, maybe your mums right it could be stress, but if its occurring on a regular bases you do call for to get it checked out.There could be plentifully of theory beside having fibro or if your taking the pill or any other form of contraception afterwards there could be that its not right for you.
Don't set out it too long before getting it checked out. It could be as simple as have a scan or changing the pill
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