Infection that won't budge away? what to do?

I had a miscarriage posterior in March. next had a D/C. after my d/c i've feel in between my vagina jaws, one the left side. that it is infected. when i douche i touch it "emptys" out. and the skin feels "thin" and after sex, or sweating, it get swollen again. it doesn't show on the outside. ive gone to 2 Dr's about this. and tried to explan what it feel like. but they read aloud nothing is wrong. i've tired lots of diff creams, wash, wearing cotton panites, etc.. NOTHING works... does anyone know what could end this?

Hullo uhh, its a enormously delicate problem?

I would try taking some garlic tablets if you judge it is infected in any way. Garlic is a inherent way of warfare infections and you can get them odor free. I would bear them for two to three weeks and see if this helps. Also, a couple drops of tea tree grease in your hip bath water will also backing to disinfect as well.

Girls, please give a hand!?

I have never hear of anything like this. I would donate it some time and let your body adjust. It might be some intervening problem related to your D&C.

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