Hair!! (girls only)?

alright im in the wrong catorgory but i need facilitate...
welll im 12 turinging 13 i hate the style my hair is. its soo boring and plain.. I attain mad and sweaty if my quill is down or in a side bit.. please help!

heres pictures of me.

as you see i hold a side part (only for the pics)

heres pictures of lindsay lohan (the spike i want!)

Plus... Im kinda new resembling with the straightner..
so approaching tell me

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u inevitability hair extentions. dye ur pelt of course. shift to a salon but get all set to pay at most minuscule 200 dollars. if u dont wanna do that, take a trip to the comeliness place and ask for advice. you may stipulation to roll your hair and curl it and torment it. also, dont use eye liner like that cuz it could make happen u to break out...

ps dont forget about ur red tan
pss, ur hair is fine the passageway it is, y dont u jus get it layered? u can also hand over urself hot oil treatments at home every week it keep ur hair looking apt.

Any side effects to coming off mycroygynon 30 ?

try brushing it..

Is an orgasm angelic for your stomach muscles? it feels approaching it would be?what do you think?

i reflect the best thing you can do is lift this pic to your hair stylist and he/she will cut it the right style for you. then they can show you how to style it. thats what i did give or take a few a week ago

Has anyone ever heard of a mooncup and if you hold one, what do you think of it?

Your curls is pretty.You could try an 'up do' with some flaccid down.I just dislike intensely to see people near gorgous hair cut,corn row would look nice too.Just time consuming.

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