Where is my extent [help!!]?

I haven't had it for going on for two months - [NO!! I am NOT pregnat if that is what you're thinking just about and it is just a NO]

Before I've have like 6 months, 3 months lacking it and then it comes. Have never be painful until later year when I had a time surrounded by which it would come with hurting cramps - (very painful ones that I couldn't fiddle with without anguish relievers. a time between like September 06 - Feb 07) and headache and my "chest" seemed to be bigger and it be painful but afterwards, like after January or Feb., it have been coming next to any sympthom or cramp, very nice I'd vote, lol. But it hasn't come yet since almost 2 months. I've never be in one of these doctors and I don't really want to be in motion with one, but according to what have happened to me beforehand, could I have something else? Am I sick or something? are those symptoms of any problems? by the process, I got my pediod at the age of 13 and I'm 18 very soon, not sexually active. Should I jump to the doctor?

Help please!!


You should visit your doctor. If you surface comfortable with your domestic doctor, they can give you the exam. If your own flesh and blood doctor feels that you obligation to see a gynecologist they will recommend one who they think you will be most comfortable next to. Have you talked to your mom give or take a few your problems? She may have have the same problems and possibly can offer some reassurance.

Irregular period at your age are not uncommon, but it is time to take a good check up a moment ago to be sure that there are no underlying problems. The exam is not hurting, but the first one may be a bit uncomfortable since you only don't know what to expect. Maybe your mom or a good girlfriend could move about with you. You'll be merely fine!

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Yes, you need to dance to the gynecologist. You should be going once a year. You may have PCOS, or another hormonal issue. You probably necessitate to go on hormone psychiatric therapy to regulate your period. Don't hang around any longer. (and by the way, it really isn't that unpromising to see the gynecologist, you'll be done in no time)

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Yes, see a gyno, not a regular doctor. Regular doctors don't do business with this sort of point every day, but gyno's do. There are other complications that you may own, although I doubt it. Just get checked out; you don't want to thieve a chance.

I own discomforts.?

well since uve had it for 5 years i would deffinately progress to the doctor about it. i dont chew over u r sick or anything bad but some ppl dont own regular periods. hope that help.

Periods problem - What is it actually?

yes my dear,when i start to see my piriod it be like month after month,when time go on it start to come after 3month at the end it be coming after 9 month then i travel to the doctor they say i must cheak my blood type. next i did'nt go again.i be just drinking some medisaen from the shops.that piece is a sickness u shold take ur time and shift to a doctor and take traitment.if u stay u can not find kids for the rest of ur enthusiasm.take diligence.

Help!! ------can you get pregnant? bloating? related questionss?

Yes you entail to see a dr. I know a few people who hold had girl issues and you want to make sure if it is middle-of-the-road for your.

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