Yellow pee?

I have see a very big modification in my urine color final night. I own been drinking lots of hose down these few days, and it was pretty much clear until finishing night. I enjoy yellow urine sometimes, but it's usually when I'm not drinking much. It have no weird smell, but it's a exceptionally bright neon yellow. It is duplicate this morning. I haven't been ingestion much for the last couple of days, and I am taking my usual amount of vitamin supplements, no change. Can someone help me bring an idea of what this is? I'm in recent times concerned because it's unusual for me.


Do Any of You Really Thin Ladies Hate Being That Way?

I'm sure it's just fine. Stress can contribute, but if you have a major fine-tuning in your mundane diet or you are getting sick, that could be a sign. However it's unlikely. Call a doctor if it alarms you. It is very middle-of-the-road and it will pass...

What does an irregular term mean if i'm a virgin and i've have it for 1 year?

you are peeing out your vitamin supplements

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when you pee, you can tell if you are drinking plenty water because of the color. if your pee is not intensely clear, than you are definitely not drinking satisfactory water during the daylight. you should be able to read a message in the toilet through your pee. it sounds average to me, just generate sure to keep drinking equal amount of water as you generally do.

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I be concerned bout why my urine was transparent pallid the last time I go to the Dr & gave a token. Mine is usually dk yellow. I found out that it's natural to have transparent sickly urine. The more water you drink, the more transparent it'll be. I don't know if I've answered your Q but I hope that I've given you a lil bit of comprehension anyway :)

(you know the word) women's chest areas..?

you could be pregent....

Do ur ? if u ?

Hmm, I am not familiar next to that, talk to your doctor.

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the amount of water you intake is the lone thing affecting it. More water=clear. smaller amount water= yellow

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My first thought be that you are taking a lot of B vitamins but you read out you haven't increased that amount so unless you changed brands, that is probably not it. Sometimes the coatings on vitamins gross it impossible for your stomach to break it down. And if you are drinking the same amount of hose and not eating or drinking anything that would dehydrate you, it is probably something you ate... unless you are have pain. Give it a couple days. If it doesn't run away or you start having backache, go to the doctor. It could be a bladder or urinary tract infection or something in your liver isn't working properly. Take comfort.

Is it normal when human being on the depo shot?

B vitamins will give urine that "neon" pallid color.

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If it's pale, that means you obligation to drink more water because your desiccated

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