White puss pocket looking piece on my vagina ?

its kinda small about 1 cm or smaller ,its not really to pop out but it have like a lil sac underneath it ,like a cyst .2 doctors own told me it was a cyst ,but i cant find a vagina cyst no where on earth that looks like it ,not wart ,not herpes ,my doctor tested to be sure .its been in attendance for like 3 months conceivably longer,it has not gotten bigger any ..it dont hurt or anything ..its a t the opening of vagina where on earth the glands are ..any help .i know i ve posted this sound out but maybe some one can relate this time .6 months p.g also

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It sounds like a Bartholin Cyst. Your Gyno can pop it. It freshly needs to be cut sympathetic and drained. They may not do it while you are pregnant tho. I know some dr's dont because you can get an infection. The cyst is non-hazardous and most of the time not painful. Just enjoy your dr check it at your next call on and see what he says.

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