Pap Smear Procedure Fear?

I've been at work times gone by 2 days, my doctor called yesterday and vanished a message at my house for me to call her when I could (I have a pap smear a couple weeks ago). I called today on my lunch break and she wasn't surrounded by, but the secretary was expecting a appointment from me to ask to speak to my doctor and she told me that she didn't know the whole story, but "a procedure wishes to be done regarding your pap smear." That's around all she know. I'm calling my doctor in the morning, but I've had anxiety in the region of it all daylight - what are the chances of it man something bad? I'm singular 20 years old. Any suggestions on what it might be? My mother suggested that maybe my doctor just requests to do another test, but I'm not sure if she's newly trying to ease my nerves.
I've looked through the question here regarding atypical pap smears - what is a cervix biopsy/why would one need to catch one (in case that's it)?
Just looking for suggestions as to what adjectives causes for "procedures" are (I know in attendance are lots).

Do you feel spasm after having an IUD taken out?

First stale, the secretary shouldn't have told you anything if she didn't know the entire story because adjectives it would do is make you extremely afraid. Second off, try not to madness (easier said from my end later done on yours I know), it could be anything. They may just necessitate to redo your pap-smear, or something. Try not to freak out, you'll be okay. If it be super serious I would bet the doctor would've called you more frequently. A cervical biopsy is where on earth they go within a remove a very small piece of the tissue of your cervix: they would probably do this if they found some peculiar cells that they foreboding could be cancer. Please stop researching on the inernet, it's only going to label you more anxious. Just call your doctor surrounded by the morning and get to the bottom of this. Don't verbs, your doctor will take apposite care of you. Hope his help. :-)

Before my periods my nipples are tender but after my period they are itchy, why is that?

I had two false alarms approaching that at your age. Birth control pills can make the cervix "friable", where on earth it bleeds easily, and it make your Pap Smear result look like cancer. Both times, it be nothing.

Hoping for the best!!

Is it bleak.?

well dear there are hundreds of things that she could obligation to do
if you are sexually active afterwards it is probably an std common ones are chlamydia ghoneria and genital wart...maybe to much discharge my best guidance is to not worry going on for it to much. worrying will not make the appointment come up any faster it will only engineer you crazy before you dance.

How do u know if you have herpes?

Girl, dont verbs. The exact same thing happen to me. I had to hold a colposcopy done and a biopsy on my cervix. More than likely, its nought. I had irregular cells on my cervix but im ok. dont verbs. i did, and it wasn't worth it.

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