
headaches, disiness, abdominal pain for the recent past three weeks, lower back stomach-ache REALLY tired...
pregnacy symptoms right? well i have my period finishing week. i had it for 6 days and it come early. im on the pill and missed moderately a few pill the cycle before later and then missed in recent times one pill during ovulation time on the pack.
but i had my time. it was different and not as hard to digest as it usually is. could i be pregnant?

Can birth control realli increase breast size?

It is possible that you are pregnant. have you taken a try-out? Go to your doctor. (it is not a good hypothesis to miss pills--if you do make sure to use another form of BC)

Confussed just about wet dreams?

constipation cause headaches too.. hold clear bowel movements

Period problems?

Yes, you could still be pregnant. Having a period is not a sign that you are not pregnant. Some women enjoy their periods throughout their entire pregnancy. Also, what you may hold had may not hold been a term, but bleeding from implantation. When a new pregnancy implant itself in the endometrial inside layer of your uterus, it can causes bleeding. Best perception ... make an appointment near your doctor so they can run some tests.

I'm on a progesterone pill to soar start my period after anyone off the pill. How long until my extent starts?

Your doctor will probably tell you to appropriate a pregnancy test and after call him if it is positive. You could possibly be pregnant or I don`t know have a virus. Go to the store, buy a theory test and go from at hand!

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