Stomach pains, not pregnant but stomach swelled up,...?

I'm getting these really bad stomach pains, i took several pregnancy test (at home and at doctor's office), turned out negative, adjectives of them, but i notice my stomach have gotten much bigger, I'm not eating more than usual, but feel like throwing up yesterday morning, you enjoy no idea how much adjectives of this is making me feel, stressed to the point that I am getting sick from the stress! what could the pains be, is this something anyone else experienced?

A examine about womanly geriatric patients.?

When in doubt desire medical attention.

Is this a problem?

It could be any number of things. Go to the doctor.

I think I might own pcos?

You should see a doctor right away to rule out a bowel obstruction.

Welll.i hadnt had my time since 3 months..and i am ganing a lot of weight be 145 couple of?

Have you had a bowel movement? The common number of movements is three a day.

Is it true that 'unanimously speaking' a woman will go through menopause around equal age as her mother did?

I agree it could be a bowel obstruction, but also a gas build up too. Then near is always the small possibilty that you enjoy cancer (had a friend go through this at age 29).You should unequivocally go see your DR. ASAP.

Good luck!!

Why do i hold stretch marks on my boobs if im not overweight?

go to a doctor. it sounds similar to a very strange problem... i hope everything turns out okay...

15 years hoary and a Brazilian?

if u are under stres u can bring like adjectives swalen up just from stress nervoza

Toe staple under skin!?

you entail to go to the dr asap

How out of danger are abortions, really?

It sounds like you've have this for quite awhile, if you were
at the doctors' organization for a pregnancy test for the swelling.
Why didn't the doctor run other test after finding you weren't
pregnant, I wonder? I would make an emergency appt. to
see him/her, or be in motion to the ER where they can also run a Cat
or another scan to see if in that is anything logical to explain
it. The fact that you are vomiting, will be of concern to any
doctor, as your stomach is any trying to expell something foreign or there's something foreign explicitly blocking the food to keep it from digesting..
Anyway, if you can't see your doctor tomorrow, afterwards go to
the ER hasty in the morning. The ahead of time the better so that you
won't have to hang about so long. They tend to take the more
serious patients first, and tolerate the lessor ones wait longer, near the overload in ER's in our time.
Good luck!

Is it normal to vomit during your extent?

it could be anything from an infection in your colon to kidneys or bladder, see a doctor right away.

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