Since when is a month 28 days long?

In 15 years, I've had three prescriptions (not counting the pill). My doctor recommended that I appropriate each one each day for a month.

So the chemist supplied me with 28 tablets?!
"It's the usual practice", or so they said. Is it?
I ring my doctor to check, and suddenly they added two other tablets to the packet, and told me
"We won't charge you for that".
This has very soon happened for the third time.

I of course don't get compensated every 28 days, and I think it's really few and far between to find a month that is 28 days long. Why should anyone recompense for a month's supply and receive only 28 doses?
OK, why is this? Are they one cheap?
If the ideal is to embezzle tablets for a month, how many days should that be? What do you adjectives think?

How do you properly tell if your extent stopped?

Yes this is normal surrounded by medicine as the human body go through its cycles by a 28 day cycle - hormones, blood everything!

What could my sister enjoy if shes getting shorter and losing hair from her eyelashes?

only contained by February.

Is this safe?

have a word to the doctor bc someone cant count

How true, accurate is a pregnancy kit? my gf resulted as positive and is 6 days delayed in a minute.?

a month is 28 days long in February.

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