I am concerned as I took NorLevo morning after pill for the 4th time in 5months.?

I read that you should not take it more than 3 times within the course of a year. On one occassioon I took it twice during the course of one of my menstrual cycles. I know I sound completely irresponsible, but its purely that I am so paranoid about getting pregnant even though I meditate i am quite a tight-fisted person. Does anyone know if in that are long term affects to taking it this copious times and can it affect your future fertility? The ultimate time when I took it twice during the couurse of one cycle I suffered terribly from side affects of nausea, commander aches and backbone pain, but I presume this would be from such an unnatural build up of the hormone levonorgestrel surrounded by my body. It 6 weeks ago the last time I tok , so hold had my extent since. My concern and query is just about the possible damage I could hold done to myself or fertility having taken it this frequent times in a short space of time. Please advocate? Many thanks.


Is it regular?

If you get paranoid in the order of becoming pregnant then pilfer contraceptives= there's plenty of birth control methods out within such as condoms, IUD- & it can be removed as soon as you're ready to conceive, pills, shot etc. I dont know exactly the risks of not individual able to conceive because you enjoy taken it more than you should have- but if you're so concerned about adjectives fertility- dont take it anymore & bear regular contraceptives and maybe you dont own to sit there worrying if you can still be fertile following on.

Im 13 and have the erge to own sex almost everyday is this normal?

stop have sex if you are that paranoid about getting pregnant?....otherwise here are reasons they describe you not to take it that much.one would assume that in attendance are health/fertility risks in doing so.

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There's not really much study done on the long-term effect on fertility. Honestly, it's one of those drugs that get pushed through too early. I'd articulate you need to grow up, and stop playing around if you're that worried in the region of getting pregnant. I know it's a bit harsh, but if you're mature enough to play the spectator sport, then you want to be old ample for the consequences too.

EXTREME swelling after c-section?

If you do not know the long term or even short residence issues with taking this medication you should not be taking it.

Advice, stir to an ob/gyn and get birth-control and counseling from an ob/gyn on out of danger sexual practices!!

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You are fooling around with your entire system - not newly reproductive. That stuff metabolizes through your liver and, the "morning after" pill is more for rape victims than people who hold irresponsible sex. Have you thought about using condoms or an IUD...and, if you don't want to take pregnant or worry just about being pregnant, how in the order of good ol' not sleeping near guys? Good luck!

Do most teenage girls M*strbte?- LADIES ONLY?

I am no doctor or anything but I seriously believe it is doomed to failure for you and your future fertility if you verbs playing with your Hormones close to that. Your body will get mix up and stop ovulating. That you enjoy your period doesn't penny-pinching you have a ovulation. So be sports car full.

if you are scared in the order of becoming pregnant take the pill or any other form of birth control. With the peace of mind of Having a constant birth control you can hold "fun" without be scared.

Period Question?

I used to work surrounded by a family planning clinic. First of adjectives, emergency contraception isn't fool proof. All it does is keeps a fertilized egg from implant. It doesn't abort babies if you are already pregnant. If it has be over a month since your last extent, you need to spawn sure you aren't pregnant. Also, if you are unsure of your birth control methods, you need to be on something more reliable close to the pill or the depo shot AND use condoms. If you use these methods correctly and methodically, there is no inevitability for emergency contraception. Where I worked, you were barred the emergency contraception more than three times in one year. Yes it can hold side effects, as does anything with hormones surrounded by it. Good luck! Hope this helped!

Malpractice Suit?

Quit have sex until your on birthcontrol. Most towns or counties give away free birth control or really cheap) (i used to return with ti free now I payment 11$ a packet.) You cannot rely on people here to answer this request for information. Go to a doctor and ask. onyl they know.

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