Does a Pap Smear really tryout for STD's?

50% say no and 50% speak yes It does test for STD's. And If so What benign of STD's does it test for?

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The actual pap smear is to look for abnormal cell on your cervix. Other tests done during a pelvic exam audition for STDs.

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all kinds.that's what it's for..and for looking for irregular cell growth.

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Yes and no. Sometimes a pap smear will reveal if you have extraordinary cells which can scrounging HPV.
Other STD's need to be tested seperately by your doc. Your doc won't other test for them unless you ask for it. So engender sure you do!

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A broad pap smear only looks for atypical cells from your cervix. You can be tested for STDs at your request but the token is gathered differently dependent on what you are man tested for.

Women only please.! can someone assist me?

a pap test lone tests for cancer of the cervix

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No, only HPV, and it looks for cancerous change. Everyone should know this by now, it is common understanding. If you want to be tested for other STDs, you need to transmit the doctor/clinic so they can do the appropriate tests.

Please backing, question just about my period!?

Pap smear test for infections and cervical cell abnormalities which could be the best diagnostic predictor question paper for cervical cancer

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Papanicolaou smear is the cervical smear for detecting the rash signs of cancer and not the test for STD It should be routine for women after the age of forty..

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