Ok, i havent had my interval yet, what exactly should expect when i draw from my period? i am expecting my extent.?

i dont feel i can verbalize to anyone face to frontage about this , can u abet?

What do you think this is?

Cramping, bloating, weightiness gain, maybe some headache, other body aches etc. That time of the month sucks...be cheery while you don't have it.

Pain "Down there"?

would this be your first time?
If so- avoid wearing pallid colored pants or shorts. also, wear pantyliners (kotex have realy comfortable ones- they feel approaching part of your underware) so you hold a little protection if it begin unexpectedly.
It may feel close to you're peeing your pants, or you may quality nothing.
Ask your mom or another trusted woman(the institution nurse may be helpful).
most important, don't verbs. It will come in due time. worrying won't take home it come any faster.

I am going to start taking Loestrin24Fe to treat my high estrogen horizontal.?

Well I can't really tell you if you are expecting your term yet, as I don't know if you are have any of the usual symptoms. I have hear of a woman's menstrual cycle starting as early as 9 and as belated as 16..so I wouldn't worry, its naught that is particulary merry anyways.
Things to expect:
Headaches, bloating, back strain, tenderness of the breasts, and possibly lower abdomen, acne, unusual food cravings. Gaining 5+ pounds from water weightiness..if you are experiencing any of these chances are you could start your length pretty soon...You may feel irritable, depressed, and your moods may adaptation quickly.
Physical expectations:
Every month when your interval arrives you may experience all or one of the above, plus you will bleed for roughly a week.
This happens because every month your uterus prepares itself for a newborn, and when one of your eggs does not become fertilized then the bin liner that has built up within your uterus will shed, this is where the blood and mucous type pool liner comes from...its kind of disgusting but you achieve used to it..trust me.
I suggest starting out with pad and pantyliners and then moving on to tampons if your time is heavy ample, or if you feel comfortable using them. They are comfortable if you put them in correctly, it newly takes practice.
Nothing to verbs about, and I am sure that you prob hold friends that are in like boat as you..dont be afraid to ask questions, adjectives women have to matter with it and one point or another, and it is a inbred part of go.

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