How long after a yeast infection should you lurk to enjoy sex again?

so last week i started having symptoms of a yeast infection. obviously it was that TOM so i didnt do anything about it. on tuesday i started the monostat 3 year treatment, of course on wednesday i left it at my house instead of putting it contained by my purse for that night (i sleep at my fiances house). so yesterday was treatment 2, tonight will be treatment 3.

i've have them in the past, one time i go to the drs because it hadnt cleared up a week after the last treatment and was worried it be something else. it wasnt, but he told me sometimes it can take a week or so to clear, even with the 1 or 3 time treatments.

so, if it can take that long to clear, how long should you wait to hold sex? i dont want my fiance to get it, but i'm already showing signs of it clearing up. i have read and re-read the instructions it come with but it says no where on earth on there. it just say no intercourse WHILE using it.


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it's best to wait a week after all symptoms are gone. however, surrounded by the event that you can't wait, use a condom. or if you do pass it on to him, buy some of the regular Monistat cream and he can use that to treat it.

Best armour scenario is to wait because if he gets it, and doesn't treat it, he can exceed it back to you. It's an intrepid STD.

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When I had a yeast infection I used the over the counter 7 sunshine monistat medicine. After the 8th day, we be at it can't harm anyone...I just don't suggest oral until adjectives the meds have cleared your system.

Breast Question??

Not sure!Ask your doctor

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