I really need some minister to!?

I am suposed to go swimming tomarrow near my church, but yesterday I started my period. I'm not devout at using tampons so do you have any other subjestions for me. I really can't use tampons. I only just need another notion so I can go swimming. PLEASE HELP ME!


Why do i bring so many mussle cramps within my leg and arms?

sometimes ur periods stops when you swim, a couple of my friends' do. if you can always wear a discouraging then wear swim shorts over ur swim suit, its sneaky but it works purely remember to change it A LOT lol

Why can't she own sex without using lubricants?

If you're going to go swimming when you're on your length, there are no other option besides tampons.

Serious question around gaining cargo?

There really isn't another option. You can be in motion but stay out of the water, or you can try tampons again. And you really CAN use them if you try. It's of late a matter of practise.

How to business with your daughters first term?

Wrap your ankle with an ace heating pad and limp a bit. No one will examine why you can't swim.

Yeast infection?

Tampons are the only instrument if it is tomorrow. Try slims if u have closely of trouble and Tampax Pearls b/c they are smoother.

Is my weight ok ?

Tampons are nearly the only suggestion out in that...other than conceivably doubling up your pads but when they bring back wet they are not going to be totally effective for your length. Not to mention it will be pretty obvious that you're wearing them when they start to tip out out of your bathing suit. Go to a pharmacy, they have adjectives sorts of tampons OB has a small one for smaller women. Its soft and not a cardboard applicator. I hope this help.

When 2 girls are having sex is in attendance protection that they can use?

fine u wanna BETTER idea?


Tampons are pretty much your merely option. Try using Junior tampons...they're easier to use and smaller than regular size. And once you're used to them, you'l know how to use the regulars without any problems. Just follow the instructions that come next to the box. We've all be there. Using tampons is much easier and a great deal better than using pads. Good luck!!

A lot of discharge !!?

just try tampons again theres no other road u can swim unless u stay out of the water :( but the virtuous thing is if u try tampons again it simply takes practice eventually u will go and get it!! go 2 walmart or any drug store!! they enjoy a huge variety of brands.. try tampax pearl buy the multipack start out w/ the junior in the box here are instructions in there!! they are markedly easy 2 insert and are great 4 bigginers! :) hope this help

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