New pill for woman/ what do you regard?

Ok they are making some new pills for woman that will stop your term completely forever. So thats means whenever the time of month comes in attendance is no period. So my definite question is do you adjectives think it's saft? I would love to try it..

Pls facilitate period/discharge problems! girls only?

The purpose of a interval is to keep your uterine inside layer in mount condition, to make it a suitable as possible for a fertilised egg to slip into. Every month, the old bin liner is discarded so that a new one can be made.
On the pill, the uterus pool liner does not develope so the is nothing to acquire rid of. Also THE BLEEDING YOU GET ON THE PILL IS NOT A PERIOD. Ask any doctor and they will explain that it is a withdrawl symptom from taking hormone pills and then taking sugar pills. That is why it is refered to as a withdrawl bleed.
There is no medical benefit to this species of monthly bleed. It was solitary added in to the pill taking diary so that women would be satisfied that they be not pregnant.
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