I had a hysterectomy 6 mos. ago and gain weight lately in my stomach. Anyone know of some polite exercises?

I am only 5ft. high and when I had my son 15 yrs. ago I carried him adjectives up front and my stomach became so stretched out. I lost the consignment I gained during my pregnancy but my stomach is horrible! I could never tone it up to the passageway it was. Then I have a hysterectomy and now I gain weight! It`s only in my stomach. My arms are skinny & my legs are too, I look close to Big Bird! I almost look like I`m pregnant! Is their anyone out their that know of some really dutiful ways to lose this pouch of mine? Please Help! Thanks:)

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Did you have an abdominal incision for your hyst? Did you loose your ovaries or are you concerned that they haven't ''kicked in'' if you kept them- menopausal symptoms?) These two things will impact on your seizure. Loss of ovaries or poorly functioning ovaries will increase storage of fat on your tummy (have you discussed Hormone levels/HRT with your GP?)..as will stress...don't stress!
An abdo incision will exit lots of healing that can pilfer longer than 6 months to come right. Give yourself time and take things slowly. Do any exercises in consultation near your surgeon or GP.
Remember that the stomach is the last place that we lose plump and if there hold been consignment 'ups and downs' we hold on all the more to our reserve. You hold been contained by a stressful situation in the finishing year (surgery) your body may well store for a time for you in overnight case you need it again! (Aren't our bodies clever!?)
Sit ups are fantastic (check you are cleared for everything) After the initial 6 weeks of enforced rest the stomach muscles loose tone. It take ages longer to regain tone than to loose it! Take it easy, increase stir slowly and all will be economically. Please see your GP if you have concerns.

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Use fat free diet and ruuning is suitable for you.

Whats the matter beside meee?!?

lay on your back and lift up your feet going on for 12 to 14 ins. and hold for as long as you can "legs straignt" do it 5 or 6 times 4 times a day. apt luck

Im worried?

Abdominal exercises and make it a obsession of walking with your tummy tuck-in.

I quality out of place?

Sit ups.

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