Im worried?

i got my extent last thursday and i still enjoy it today -monday -its been a week and a partly any reason why its permanent so long. its light but i still enjoy to wear a pad


I am a 40 yr old woman and I enjoy been bleeding resembling my period 24/7 since December 2006. What might this be?

I wouldn't verbs about it sometimes it varies-I've have it that long before too when it's frothy. Hopefully it will go away soon.
According to WebMD though if a length lasts for more than a week you should contact your Doc-or Gyn. You didn't utter whether your sexually active so don't know if could be other possibilities. Good luck.

Can you put a brand new nuvaring in every three weeks?

Stop worrying for now.
Some times your interval can go a bit longer some times shorter.

But if it keeps on going for another week go and see your Doctor for a tablet to security and stop it.

It sounds as if it's stopping itself anyway.

When having cosmetic surgery does my gp hold to know?

If you got your time last Thursday and today is Monday later you've only have it for 5 days. That's normal, at hand isn't anything to worry almost.

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