What should i do?

ok saturday night i go to a party get really drunk and messed around with a guy, and i dont remember everything, should i embezzle the morning after pill just to be sure? dont guys ahve a concrete time ejaculating when drinking? what should i do?

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Here are some facts: Yes, men have a more difficult time acheiving orgasm after drinking, because alcohol is a depressant, and slows adjectives bodily functions. That does not mean that you could not enjoy gotten pregnant, or gotten an STD from someone if you did have intercourse that dark. The Plan B pill has to be taken inside 72 hours after intercourse, the sooner you take it, the better the likelihood of success will be. I would suggest that if you give attention to you may have have sex without protection, that you filch the pill, and then go and get tested for STD's if you suspect that you may have be exposed to one through whoever you fooled around with. Finally, I would suggest not getting so drunk you can't remember things, it's a impossible practice.

Why am I spotting?

take the morning after pill,go obtain tested for stds and pregnancy.learn your lesson and dont catch that drunk again ,and ALWAYS keep your drink in verbs and if you leave for the bathroom any take your drink in beside u or get a contemporary one when you come back out..not adjectives guys have that problem,although its probably a majority that do,i dated a guy who after one smirnoff twisted 5 and a shot of goldenschlager *or however its spelled* would enjoy a helluva time even getting it up much less ejaculate,while another could drink half a bottle of jack and later go for hours...every guy is diff..

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