If I'm on my time of year, what are the things i should and shouldnt do?Explain why?

I totally hate my extent, i just longing it were gone forever. My friends are going to a pool get-together, and i was so desperate to be in motion and have fun. By my parents won't permit me go swimming, because I'm on my extent.

what are the things i should and should'n't do on my period and explain why

What should I do presently?

Ok LJAY2000...let's stop next to the "your Dad is the evil one because he has no uterus" article. Sorry if the men (or boys) in your natural life have agree to you down. And yes, I DO have input when it comes to MY kids, because that's section of being a father. Whatever they call for me for, I'm there, and what they choose to share beside me is between me and my girls, thank you very much!

I've get 4 sisters, tons of female cousins, married for a 2nd time, and enjoy two daughters. I've bought every product out there, and have to assist my wife during that time after her surgery. You could say that I ALMOST enjoy a uterus!

Any guy out there that is to say close to his wife, daughter(s), sisters, etc. will tell you, when you suffer, WE suffer, trust me!

Seriously, not adjectives Dads are like that. I be initiated into the "knowledge club" when my wife be out of town for 2 weeks. It didn't bother me, in certainty I feel well-mannered knowing my girls can come to me. Yes, Mom is a better source of info, but old Dad will step up to the plate, too.

That individual said, did your folks give you a point? Is it due to their religious beliefs? More info on the reason please.

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well don't put away any sour things or bananas because they can make you own cramps and make ur length last longer

Terrible baggage of PMS?

Believe me, I feel your backache. You can do anything on your period that you can do sour your period. Swimming poses a problem for girls not however comfortable with wearing tampons, and I'm sure that's why your parents won't consent to you go. Once you are competent to wear tampons, you can continue swimming.

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There's no scientific apology you can't go swimming while on your length. That's an old wives' story.

There's nothing you should or shouldn't do only because of your period. There are adjectives kinds of antediluvian wives' tales more or less how you shouldn't bathe or swim, but that's crazy. In reality, you absolutely SHOULD go swimming because you don't want to smell. Swimming, as long as you're wearing a tampon, is perfectly fine.

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theres nothing you cant do while your on your time
try tampons they re very confortable even more than pad and you can still go swimming

My friends issue!!?

At that age I also abhor my period. If you want to swim you can buy tampons (your parents doesnt know it). Maybe they say aloud that tampons are bad, but its merely for the virginity issue. I do recommend look on the internet on how to use them. Remember you should change it every 6 hours max.

And adjectives are myths you can do anything, you can eat anything. your perod its something run of the mill of being woman and you will enjoy it until menopaue (45-50 years old)

The period its what tell you that your body is preparing to have kids and you are reaching your madurity.

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If your on your interval you should not go swimming!
its bad, especially for the other people, i vote this because your swimming and your on your period next you bleed and then adjectives that blood is just adjectives over the water.

Ladies individual pls- personal question give or take a few abortion?

It's really ridiculous that your parents won't let you jump because you have your length. Most of the things you shouldn't do when on your period are forbidden because they're a moment ago really gross to do at that time (like have sex.)

I find that some activites, approaching riding a horse, are just too sore to do when I have my extent because I'm too sore down there.

It is really difficult to dance swimming when you have your extent unless you can wear tampons because pads surrounded by bathing suits look bad (and when you swim, they hold all the sea.) If you're on a really light hours of daylight, you might be able to seize away with not wearing anything (except clothes.) Wear a shady suit and wrap a towel around your waist when you aren't in the pool.

And if your period are really long (7 days or more) then you should natter to your doctor, because periods shouldn't concluding that long.

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yell at any men, that pisses me past its sell-by date

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If you are hunch good here is no reason why you cant do the things you delight in...As far as swimming, you can get Tampons and hold no problem in the pool..If your parents don't already know this, update them...It seems to me they are holding you support from having fun for some plea.

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There is no reason you can't shift swimming if you are using tampons. You can do ALL of you normal events during your period. Do you plan on stopping living for a week every month for the subsequent 30+ years?

I'm am at a loss to explain your parents attitude, and since your father has never have a period, he really does not enjoy any useful input on the subject.

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sorry, but thats lame.

if you use a tampon you can swim on your time of year with no problems.

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Personally you can do pretty much whatever you want while on your extent...there are no key do's and don'ts as far as I'm aware

To be honest, if on your period and wanting to step swimming, you can safely, if you use a tampon otherwise its not exactly the wisest of things to do except using a tampon.your parents are probably just wanting to protect you from unease if blood shows or you leak for a time in the pool, plus if you do its not hygenic for everyone else.

deplorably there is nought you can really do to stop your period, its only just one of those annoying things about anyone a girl =/

by the sounds of things, you are pretty young and only unsure about living next to periods but you'll bring back used to it and your parents are doing whats best at this moment in time


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you should be able to do anything while you hold your period. swimming and adjectives. just budge and buy some tampons, if you have merely started there are smaller ones that you may find easier. alot of girls revulsion there interval, it is annoying and cant really hurt if you get bleak cramps.maybe you should tell to your mom alone and try and get her thought of things, and ask her about using tampons and such. virtuous luck with everything!

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Swimming is not problem, in point of fact, it might slow/halt your period temporarily. Also, I presume you SHOULD eat a banana a afternoon because the potassium is good for cramps.

If you don't want to use a tampon, can't you shift to the party and not swim? If you're disconcerted because you think everyone will know, that's another article. (You'll get over that awkwardness eventually!)

If your period is impressively heavy, you might merely want to take it glib and eat big iron foods. But really, there's zilch you can't do while you're menstruating.

I'm 48 yrs. old , my menstration continous to flow beside small whole blood i necessitate med to stop bleeding.?

The only clear-cut no-no I can think of is aspirin. Since aspirin is a blood thinner it can spawn your bleeding heavier and more difficult to manage. Try Advil for any discomfort you enjoy while menstruating. If you're comfortable with tampons, they provide a discreet instrument to live a "normal" life when you are on your time of year.

Many old-school theories exist about things that are supposedly poorly or unsafe, but there really isn't any evidence that swimming would be a problem.

What is your most embaressing story roughly your or a friends period. I wanna hear embaressing stories!!?

If you want to be in motion swimming you can use tampons, but younger females are usually discouraged from using tampons and I know I didnt for awhile. Your period dont "flow" while your within the water so as long as you arent adjectives jumping around within the pool you might even be ok w/o anything just construct sure to use something as soon as you get out so you dont own an "accident". As for what you should and shouldnt do on your period...in that are no limits really, lately what you yourself feels comfortable doing or not doing during that time.

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Okay, you totally SHOULD guzzle bananas. They have tons of potassium which help alleviate cramps.

If cramps are a problem I would try some midol, but make sure you converse to your parents about it. you can also use ibuprofen as powerfully. Also, doing some easy sit ups when you catch or think you are getting cramps really help too! Or take a brisk pace for about 15 minutes.

Stay away from really aromatic foods bc they will make you retain (keep) river and you will feel bloated. Also, try not to afford in to your food cravings for second-hand goods food!!

You can go swimming if you wear a tampon. But you should converse to your mom about tampons up to that time you use them. There are different sizes and brands that she might want you to use. Or she may prefer you always use pad, which means no swimming for a few days!

I wouldn't recommend taking any baths (showers lone!) or any really heavy exercise while you are on your time of year. Oh yeah, and don't wear white pants! haha!

Whats Bleeding?- GIRLS HELP.?

Hey i do believe you can do basically about anything up to that time, during and after your period except sex obviously it is done but i think it is a bit gross. I also think you should probably stay away form rime because it cools the body down when i think steam helps beside period expelling faster.

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wear a tampon it jump's inside and collects blood before it comes out (i'm one and only 13 and i just get it and believe me i feel your pain) tampons are great for swimming but you HAVE TO CHAGE IT AFTER 6 HOURS or you might capture tss(toxic shock syndrome) it's rare but still be wary .

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there`s no item that u can or can`t do while on period, depends on the creature ... as for swimming... try tampons(OB,Tampax) they really work,i use them on regular basis an can utter are more reliable than abs, as they collect the blood inside right where it is produced. appropriate luck

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