Girls Only!!?

does anyone know any websites that will inform me a little more in the order of my first period and things similar to that.

Synthroid. Anyone have side affects? (my level are fine)? its really useful and u can catch all sorts of free sample. check it out, its pretty cool

Are these Endometriosis symptoms? is great. I used it a lot when I be younger :)

If I am taking a birth control to control my periods, why am i still getting the pains in my chest?

I don't know the website but near is a book called What's Happening To My Body? For Girls If your mom is cool or you hold a cool aunt or older sis, they can stir buy it for you...If you don't have anyone approaching that you can read it in the library( flat on the table so the cover won't show) lacking checking it out. You just take off it on one of those rolling carts and they'll never know who be reading it.

Pregnant or not?

Try the planned parenthood website. They enjoy very detailed, informative articles on this issue.

If you want to know how to use a wad, tampon, or cup go here, However, I don't recommend using a tampon on your first few period. I began my time at 14, but I did not begin using tampons until almost 17!

To see what is actually arranged to your body while on your period, travel here

Hope this is helpful to you.

Can a high-ranking fever disrupt your menstrual cycle?

I used this site to assist me understand somethings.

I'm 12 but developed a body of a 17 year dated.?

it tells adjectives about what a length is and when it can occor and if you get registered, you acquire a calender on the site to keep track of your period when you start.

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