I bleed after I own sexual intercourse...why?

I was treated next to cervicitis a few months ago and I completed my medication already. I had a few pains in my lower vertebrae but eventually it went away. 3 months after I be treated with cervicitis, I notice a pinkish fluid when I urinated right after I made love with my husband, and after that that day in that was a touch brownish discharge I had. It continued until very soon, it's the 3rd day...the discharge is still at hand, it's like a small amount of blood you see when your length is ending. It isnt time for my length, so it's really weird why I hold this discharge when I haven't experienced this one before, solely now. By the instrument, Im not experiencing any abdominal or lower back pains and the discharge doesnt smell that doomed to failure not like when you own infection. Can somebody explain to me why?

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When you find the answer to your question tolerate me know what they found out cuz i have like problem. And it drives me nuts.

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if your uterus is swollen, you hold any signs of cysts or anything of the sort, or is he just pretty large? or are you remarkably active? i reflect you need a topical gyno and you really need to carry down to the real situation, insist on finding out what is wrong, you could be head for cancer if you arent careful. accurate luck.

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You should stir back and check beside your gynocologist. Is he being overly rough when have sex? You may just be more prone to skin tears than previously and he could be reaggrivating the cervicitis.

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