Tampon Help!?

I used my first tampon today. I put it in but i could still feel it so i took it out knowing it be not far enough contained by. It really hurn and so i decided to not put it rear in. but after word it feel like i still have it in and its driving me crazy. I expect it might be that my vigina wall is dry, but i still dont know! Will someone help me!

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Yes it sounds resembling your wall is dry, I had matching problem the 1st time I used one. It does hurt for a little while. Wait a while beside a pad on, and later you might try again.

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it could be that you are too dry; or it could be an allergic sensitivity to something in the tampon... try using KY jelly (after you are positively sure its not an allergic reaction)

Omg omg omg omg?

Don't use one again.

It is probably because you are not used to the attitude. I am sure it will be gone by the end of the afternoon or atleast tomorrow.

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Your hem is prob still too small if its your first time. If you really really really want one contained by try a lubricant like vasaline (spelling sorry)

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It usually does burn when you whip it out. It's something you'll get used to if you want to try it again. It isn't that your vagina wall is dry because you're on your term. But yea, when it comes out it hurts a little.

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It does hurt a bit at first, it take a while getting used to, I personally perfere them though, 'wreak you forget that your on your period really. If it hurts try using a wad instead, if you don't like them, preserve trying with Tampons, you'll gain used to it, and I sometimes feel close to I still have one contained by when I don't, its just the course you put them in, you've get to try and push them far enough surrounded by so it doesn't hurt like hell when you sit down [Like the first time I did it!] the intuition of it being contained by should go away surrounded by a bit, its probably just because you hurt it a bit, just nick it easy. As for your vagina wall, I don't deduce it will be dry if your on your period, but if your worried give or take a few anything, I'd go see someone. Good luck.

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It does sound approaching you are correct. You didn't mention what size you were trying, and what kindly of applicator. Both of these can make a big difference when you first start using tampons.
Make sure you are using a 'regular' or smaller size, and a coated cardbord, similar to Tampax Pearls, or plastic, like Playtex Gental skate.

Also, just just about anytime you try to remove a tampon just after inserting it, it will hurt a short time. The tampon will soften as it absorb, so once it's been surrounded by a few hours you can remove it a lot easier.

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