When does a woman commonly begin the menopause? Is it important to involve a doctor and is it possible....

to go through it in need having main symptoms? I'm 41 and after 30 years of regular, heavy period, I am delighted to find they are becoming lighter and shorter. My mother suffered horrendously and have an emotional breakdown during her menopause, does that indicate I'll suffer emotionally too? I've had 3 children and no longer own the urge to reproduce so don't see the menopause as a loss of femininity. How do I make the transition as smooth as possible lacking HRT or doctor's intervention?

What can i do about this?

The average age at menopause is presently about 51, but at hand is a lot of uncertainty.

The effects of the menopause also varies greatly, some women simply stop having period and have no other physical or mental symptoms. Others may hold several years of emotional problems, flushes and sweats.

If you are unlucky adequate to fall into the second group HRT is still the best symptomatic answer, Beta blockers and Clonidine sometimes serve a bit as alternatives.

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If I were you I would run to the doctor for a FSH test. They will agree to you know what youre hormone levels are and if you're in truth going into menopause. I don't think doctors are so dying to give out hormone replacements immediately since so many women hold gotten breast cancer. But everyone is different. My Mother had hot flashes and other symotoms as did her mother past her. I never did. I did go through a touch depression but since I've had depression back menopause I don't know how much was related to that. I thought it be much hard starting period than when they ended. To some extent I estimate it has to do beside your attitude about it..some is hormonal too. I would right to be heard talk to your doctor around it and see what type of professional advice you can acquire. And you asked at what age a woman goes thru it? It depends. How ancient were you go your periods begin? I was 11 and I have my last spell when I was 51..it be August 2002. Don't miss it either LOL!

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My mum went through the integral thing minus a single problem. I am the same age as you - I hope I step through it like my mum did although, mournfully we are not actually related (step mum).

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It is a fluent process for a woman. You do not need a doctor's intervention. Some women jump to the doctor regarding this because they win hot flashes, get totally moody, and dry down there and they want something to fix it. What the doctor will do is write you a prescription for Estrogen--- in recent years Prempro and another HORSE-estrogen pill be prescribed and after studies were done it turned out that these horse estrogens cause caners in women! There are crude ways to alleviate the symptoms. Taking black cohosh, quang gong (chinese) and milk thistle. You may want to read "The Diet Cure" by Julia Ross and/or The Hormonally Vulnerable Woman. great books. If you do decide to move about on estrogen hormones, do not take the horse estrogen!!

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My view. I have heard--like mother, like daughter. I would support involving a doctor. Modern medicine does enjoy wonder drugs. I did not involve a doctor and it was rough--but that be some years ago. I also had abundantly of personal problems at the time which did not help. Good luck.

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