Am i pregnant? i took a pregnancy test and it turned out that it is positive, but i can not perceive those signs?
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Maybe but the signs might take a while to start!
if you meditate your not pregnent then do another examination. but some people dont even know that in that pregnent till the physical signs appear, so it's not unusual to not feel anythink and be pregnent.
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Sometimes the signs will not appear until 6-8 weeks. For me my Breast get real tender and sore and Morning Sickness soon followed.everyone is different so you can't necessarily authority symptoms. something made you take a check so you did consider some sign. you usually don't get a false positive so it's probably a honourable idea to walk to the doctor to find out for sure.
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i don't suggest to sound callous but how are we supposed to know how u feel if u be to be pregnant....i would go and see your dr and gain it sorted....good luc....xxxAm i nearly to start my period?
You may not discern the symptoms of pregnancy yet if it is too rash, and of course individuals are different. You can other go for a blood experiment which is most accurate.Are all vagina's looser after childbirth?
Not everone have signs of pregnacy, you are probably pretty early within the pregnacy so give it a while.How to procure rid of pleasure?
when i took a pregnancy test, and it be positive.. i had none of the all your own signs or symptoms.. no morning sickness (at all during pregnancy), no fatigue, no cravings, no breast discomfort.. nothing.. merely complaint i had during my pregnancy be swollen ankles (in the last trimester).. first piece i did do after the test be call my doctor to properly confirm my pregnancy.. every pregnancy is different which is why there are so masses symptoms and signs of pregnancy.. those were gather by input from thousands of pregnant women, not just one..Alright..requirement women information?
Don't worry, it take a while for most women to have those symptoms see in, and some lucky ladies never hold them at all!The biggest "sign" that you are pregnant is that positive exam. Go see a doc, and you can get it properly confirmed, and get a chronicle of recommended baby-delivering-docs to start your prenatal care near.
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You do not voice when your last interval was, or if you own had any previous pregnancies.If the testing is positive and your period is postponed, which is presumably why you took the test, you are probable to have experienced a pregnancy. This may be a viable pregnancy, but rash and without markedly high HCG level.
It is also possible that you have have a brief, non-viable pregnancy, which the test have picked up, and you will go on to hold a period after that. This is relatively common. Time as expected will tell.
So if at hand are no signs or symptoms why did you do the test? You must hold thought you might be pregnant?
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go to your doctors so they they can double check for you. it is possible that you are one of the lucky ones that have no symptoms and short a test would not know until the bump started to show.the other intention could be you are not pregnant because the result was a false positive which is occasional but can happen.
any way travel to the docs to have it confirmed.
The with the sole purpose probelm with home pregancy test is that they test for a substance call beta-HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin).
This is a hormone secreted during pregnancy, however beta-HCG exists in everyone (including men) at relatively low levels.
This is why some men who transport preggy tests for a ploy get a positive response.
Now, here comes the problem. There are various other conditions which can account for a rise within beta HCG hormone levels.
Some are benign, others are far more serious. The more serious cause include ectopic pregnacies (where the foetus grows in the fallopian tube instead of the womb) and some cancers also mask beta-HCG. The most common human being choriocarcinoma (in women) and testicular cancer (in men).
Not wanting to scare you, but this is why doctors other do a formal pregnancy test themselves to exclude these other possible cause for a "positive" home pregnancy test.
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Yes you could be pregnant and not expereince any symptoms. You could be one of the lucky ones minus morning sickness! But otherwise your test might hold been a "false positive". Go to your doctor and go and get him or her to carry out another pregnancy question paper- I skiped my period 2 months in a row?
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