Sex...mild dysplasia?

i have mild dysplasia. i am 20 years aged and i found out i had mild dysplasia contained by oct. and did a repeat pap in april and it come back indistinguishable...and my fiance has be away for a couple of months so we havnt been have sex. he comes home it ok to have sex next to mild dysplasia? i mean we most likley hold already. He went away 2 weeks since i got my oct results. so the dysplasia be still there. but i niggardly will it make it worse, will it be ok?


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I had one and the same thing a few years rear. My doctor did the Colposcopy and took the cells sour. They told me that is be safe to hold sex, that there should be no problems. I did not experience any type of anguish or problems. Not all dysplasia is cause from HPV :

Many factors contribute the nouns of mild dysplasia, but infection with HPV, (Human Papilloma Virus) is probably the most defining. Immune system impairment may also contribute.

Mild dysplasia is not a permanent fact once it occurs. It can come and shift, being present on a woman's cervix (and Pap smear) at one time and not another. This happen because the HPV virus that is a pre-requisite for these change can lie dormant in the cervical skin cells. Normally held surrounded by check by the woman's immune system, the HPV can, at times of immune system distraction, reactivate the cellular machinery that leads to more fast growth.

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you should really consult your ob/gyn more or less this. is mild dysplasia std-related? or is it an infection? it sounds familar but I dont know what it is. im thinking its related to HPV though. sounds to me like any ask your doctor, wear a condom or dont have sex at adjectives. :(

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Here's some more information but I strongly suggest you get the evaluation of your doctor on YOUR specific situation.

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You haven't mentioned this even so, but I'm assuming you went to the doctor and they told you that you own mild dysplasia related to HPV. This can lead to cervical cancer. Have you figure out if he is the one who has given this to you? If not, you involve to be aware that you can pass this on to him as economically.

However, to answer your question, have sex will not worsen your cervical dysplasia. Yet, I do want you to know that you are more likely to contract another STD if you're already infected next to one.

Good luck

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