A query for girls?

So I usually use Tampax compac becuase I like its small. But I detestation the fact that I can't flush it, it make me feel like i'm doing alot of damage to the environment, which is probably true. So does anyone know of a small tampon next to a cardboard applicator. And I do know about O.B tampons, so you don't want to mention that one.


When a woman burns during sex, is it natural?

Flushing a cardboard applicator isn't doing any smaller quantity damage to the environment than throwing away a plastic applicator. It's polluting hose instead of polluting land. If you still want a small cardboard applicator, I've found junior-sized cardboard ones within store brands which would do the trick. If you want to actually be more environmentally-friendly next to your menstrual products, I'd highly reccomend looking into a reusable menstrual cup. :)

Hi i am 15, 5'10 and weigh 137 pounds..whats my BMI?

Playtex Portables are plastic,and that's adjectives I really know about. =/

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Is douching harmful?

playtex sport

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