Height probem?

I am 12 years old(a girl) and only 4'8, and around 85 pounds,and i am rather concerned about my loftiness. For example mostly all the girls surrounded by my class are at least one guide taller then me.(around 5'1)

My mom is solitary 4'11 and my dad is about 5'6. Their parents something like the same distance from the ground,my dads mom being 5'4.And i enjoy been have my period since i be 10, and i have hear that girls usally stop growing around 2 years after their period or around 14, but i enjoy not gotten any taller for 10 to almost 11 months now, I surmise i have stoped growing,should i see a doctor?

p.s. my parents judge it is complety normal, and don't infer it's wierd i haven grown at all surrounded by 11 months.

Just finished Flagyl, now fear urgency on last light of day of treatment, help!?

Well, perchance you've just stopped growing. I know girls who are still growing when they are in giant school. Mostly between Fresh. and Soph. year. I'm 14 and I'm 5'9". I don't reflect I am going to grow anymore. Especially if you have a familial history of people person short, it's highly possible that you will be. I own a friend who is going to be 14 and she is about alike size you are. You are perfectly fine the mode you are. God made you small for a reason, perchance it is to show how big and mighty He is.

You're not short, you are fun sized!

Attn MD, GYN, Med Students: Heavy Periods w Huge Clotting?

I'm not sure about the not growing for 11months.. but dont verbs.. you still have plenty of time not here to grow.. because you have smallish parents, you'll probably be smallish too. dont verbs about it. it used to bother me sooo much (im 5'0)... till i started to suppose about the flawless parts.. you'll always be small. & thats much better than looking resembling a tree! (there was a instructor at my school who literally looked approaching a tree!) so relax!! x

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