Effects of not have your break on the pill for afew months?

Well its the summer , and as i expected i have lots of holidays planned , most of which are the typical out of the country , beach holidays. This process [ having worked out dates] that i wont be comfortable have my period while on holiday , so how defectively will i be effected if i do not hold a period between the 18th june and august 3rd? will that own a major effect on my body and will it get the next time i do purloin the break in the pill it will be worse?

What should i do girls solely please!!?

Hi there! This is a adjectives problem for people have holidays while on pills. It is completely acceptable that you verbs the active pills minus having a break. Assuming that you are taking the pill for birthcontrol ( as pill can also be used for treatment of acne and other conditions), the lone downside is that you wont be able to share whether or not you are pregnant. The idea of have a break on pill is that when you get your extent, it indicates that no implantation/ pregnancy takes place. Hope that help! Enjoy your summer holiday!

What causes them to need hormones?

I go 9 weeks (3 packet of active pills) between period and im ok. Just i find that its heavier and a bit more painful if I difficulty.
If youre unsure, check with your gp, they can enlighten you if its right for you.
Good luck!

NauseaPain in Stomach/Ovaries..Thinning Hair..What's Wrong?

no, u may go ahead.

Why is not a soul answering this question?

No wound done. Actually, the normal cycle created by using the pill be introduced by a male doctor. Newer scrips can correction your cycle to 8wks or longer. Ask your gyno for more info.

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