How adjectives is it for a woman in her belated twenties to skip a period or two and what could be the cause?

besides pregnancy & stress & diet

Was tested not having a babe not going through the change so what eles would construct me make mothers milk mamo ok

I have this happen and mine be a cyst on my ovary. It was not a tumor or cancer. I also have other symptoms such as increase sex drive (this was not a problem) and I started sprouting facial fuzz. My Dr. put me on depo provera shots for about six months and the cyst go away. After that I went on birth control pills and own not had a problem since.

You call for to see a doctor. It could be lots of things.

Weight gain with Yasmin contraceptive pill?

Jeez, how abundant factors do you stipulation?

Think i've taken too many laxatives,oblige!?

If you are in the process of varying birth control this is a side effect.

Has anyone had to pee so impossible they wet themselve?

anaemia or endocrine disorder may do it. it is not common, by this time yr cycle should hold been okay established. go to yr doc.

Depro shot , how long does it clutch for the effects to start happening ?

do you do alot of sports? it can stall period. o

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