This Question is for woman. Who craves Chocolate, once a month?
This is a serious health ask (down there) im a girl?
I have an insatiable chocolate craving formerly my cycle. My doctor says its related to my pmdd, but researchers don't appear to know why. However, I've discovered that when I'm on the prescriptions for PMDD, my cravings are much less.
If its a problem for you consult a physician. If its not a problem, opt for bleak chocolate. It is better for you than milk chocolate.
I do.
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definitely! beforehand, during, and after!How embarrased should I be?And what to do to get over it?
Are at hand really women that don't? I am not even a chocolate lover but a week before my spell watch out! I can't procure enough.Hormonal changes tied to the menstrual cycle are commonly a cause of cravings. Immediately prior to the menstrual spell, the body's estrogen level drops, as does the serotonin height in the brain.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, or brain chemical, that plays a role in maintain a relaxed feeling. When the even decreases, irritability and mood swings increase as does the craving for carbohydrate- and fat-rich foods such as chocolate, cookies, cake, potato chips, and roasted nuts. There is zilch wrong with ingestion a piece of chocolate, of course, but when chocolate and other craved foods become the mainstay of the diet and in good health choices get overlooked, next the cravings have gotten raging and health may be compromised.
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i usually crave chocolate before or during and i also crave lots of milk too since i start.I do too and so do all my feminine friends. Especially dark chocolate, freshly let a piece unfreeze in your mouth, better than sex!!
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i do 2 weeks b4 or after or during my period it depends...I'm more on briny chips and soft drinks, some times i don't know what i want to eat..i want to drink something but i don't know what is it...- Any one who had this before, any help or advice about this?
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