If PCOS is so serious, later why don't they check for it?

I have told every OB/GYN that I enjoy had that I hold an irregular cycle that comes and goes as it pleases, and they other say that I own nothing to verbs about, but if it bothers me they can put me on bc pills. Why don't they check for this PCOS? Is it because I'm young at heart or are they stupid? I'm 26.

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If you deem you may have PCOS go and get a second oppinion. Some other symptoms of PCOS may include weight gain, increased facial down, increased acne, and abnormal cycles. If you enjoy any of these other sysmptoms ask a doctor for an ultrasound. An ultra sound will show if you have cysts on your ovaries or not. If the ultra nouns shows cysts, ask the doctor to do bloodwork to help settle on whether you may have PCOS of not. A lot of women own cyst that come and go and never know in the order of it. For more answers and symptoms go online and type in ovarian cysts in the explore box and it will show many websites that enjoy good information and my answer some of your question.

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PCOS have other symptoms that go near it. Irregular periods would singular be one of those symptoms. If you did have PCOS you'd most possible experience other problems. Have you asked about if you could possibly own PCOS? When you go to a doctor, you have need of to ask questions? It's your vigour, your body, and you are the person who is responsible for it. Ask as oodles questions as you inevitability to. You have to steal care of you! It could be possible you own PCOS. My friend was diagnosed beside it when she was just 24.

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if uyou want to know your self request an ultra sound after adjectives it is your body you have the right to know.
bc pills will control the bleeding but explicitly about it 26 is not to young at heart no i had my scan at 12ish the nearer you no the better!
if it is pcos you have hold a chat to other femals in the ethnic group as it is usally past on.
donate these docters a kick up the * and find out.
appropriate luck lass

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Alot of doctors dont think of it as a "real" item. Mainly older doctors i've notice. To get diagnosed my mom have to get adjectives of the information herself, give it to the doctor, and after he told us not to verbs, that only elder women would have this. (I be 14 at the time) And i did end up have it.
Just keep trying to find doctors that know that it's important not to newly give you medecine and transport you on your way. (If they let somebody know you to not worry hold asking questions, untreated this can front to problems like trouble have children).
Good Luck :)

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They don't check for it wreak there's zilch you can do about it - until you want to try and carry pregnant.

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