Women merely..?

I have a bump on my nouns and I really want to know what it is. It appears to look something like a blood blister, but I dont know. I havent be sexually active.. aid me

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What area? I'm assuming downstairs. Do you shave within? It's possibly irritation from shaving. Could it be a mole that you have not previously notice? Since you have not be sexually active, I'd keep watch on this bump and see if it goes away. If it's not gone contained by a week think give or take a few calling the doctor.

Girls help?

It may a moment ago be a pimple. There are pores all over your entire body.

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i have bumps on my vagina occasionally and they usually step away after a week or so and i also am not sexually active

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well if you enjoy not been sexually moving it could be many things. It could be an ingrown fuzz, a cyst, or a gland that is clogged. If you soak contained by a warm hip bath a couple times for a few days it will probably go away.

Now if you be sexually active i would articulate a vaginal wart. If it does not go away, beckon your doctor. Goodluck

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I don't know what to tell you except to see a doctor. If you haven't be active, afterwards it's probably nothing to verbs about.

You don't right to be heard if there's any strain or itching. Is it possible that you have an ingrown coat? That happens sometimes and it will be something approaching a pimple and sometimes painful. If you enjoy pain, try using a thaw moist washcloth on it, that will make it consistency better and may help it to embark on up and drain, like a pimple. DO NOT try to pop it, you may product it worse.

Good luck to you, and check with your doctor.

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