Long time?

Great another one. So, I've been have my period for around a week and two days now. Today is the 9th day. Of course when I ask relatives (because it is my first time getting it) they say "oh it's fine, it's lately irregular." Sometimes during the day it'll bleed a bit. At night when I shower it stops completely until I stir up in the morning and find some blood. Is it alright? How long can this shift for? I don't get cramps and when it does bleed it's reading light. But it still hasn't completely stopped. Will it stop soon? And how long was your longest time of year? Please help.

SEX at what age?

I deduce its normal. I've just had a few so far, but the finishing one went eleven days. Everything you've described is majority. Don't worry!

HPV vaccine.. Are you have you daughter take it or even you?

You might be one of those lucky relations that have long period. Welcome to the club! On the other hand I'd also be in motion to the gyn and get checked out. It could be ordinary for you. Or it could be a medical issue. Either way it wouldn't hurt to see a doctor going on for it.

My nipples are red what does this mean?

This same entry happened to me pay for in 1992. I bled close to that for a year before the doctor stopped it.
This is a hormonal lack of correspondence. You aren't ovulating and that is why you are bleeding adjectives the time.

Go see a Gyn. He/she will give you the pill to stop the bleeding and regulate you.

Whats the best treatment for the menopause?

go to the obgyn. Have you ever be on birth control? My periods be like that when I be getting off the shot and consequently became markedly short like ever 21 days which to some be considered normal but I'm borderline anemic because I'm losing more blood that my body is used to. Ive be off the shot for roughly 4 yrs now and its offensive having a short length. I never had one that long just now but you need to shift to the doc cause you could become anemic or worse hold uterine fibroids or something that's bleeding and its not your period!

HELP! please read!?

trust me 9 days would be glory for me but it still isn't normal, i would see a gyn, or even a nurse practitioner be motive they are trained to pay special attention to things similar to that. but a "normal" period usually last anywhere from 3-7 days but it is different for everybody. your doctor may suggest either birth control, to regulate it, or sometimes depending on the circumstances a diet adaptation. if you are afraid of going to a gyn because of the whole exam article, don't be! usually a complete exam isn't necessary until you become sexually alive or around the time you turn 18

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