Females only- contraception?

any ideas more or less the mini-micronor only pill ,,,, any suffers from headache or !

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I got headache from the first day I be on micronor pill,but I get headache from many different pills. At the moment I'm trying out the mirena coil,as nought as has worked for me.

Good luck!

Girls have you monthly cycle ever synced up with general public you live or work with?

I should comfort with the headache as you do not have a break (unlike the combined pill where on earth you have 21 days on and 7 off). However, you may draw from spotting which can be annoying and, you need to be totally careful contained by taking it - you cannot afford to miss one and take a kismet.

I have a copper coil - just about any headaches any more. Periods can ending longer though and be heavier so, you have be warned!

A sharp dip agony in the right side lower than breast heart?

I have be on them for sometime now and I REALLY can't complain at adjectives. The first 3 months my I did have a couple of problems close to constant periods. But after that my period were short and insubstantial and sometimes none at all. SO far I have had no problems beside headache at all.

Any Ideas On What I Could Use?

Hi - I swapped to it from Dianette as my doc thought Id be on it too long, but it (Microgynon) sent me psychotic. Something about the hormone level didnt agree with me and I have the most awful mood swings imaginable, so I go back on Dianette. :) Good luck choosing a suitable one, it may bring a few goes to find one thats 'made for you' but youll get nearby in the call a halt!xx

How can I prevent my bras from making me sweat when it's hot?

Hi hun the same pill made my niece ill beside headaches so not a hundred percent that she come off it and have the implant be fine since

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