Losing virginity?

How bad does losing your virginity or breaking the hymen hurt? Give an analogy.

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I think like mad of girls like to brag and dramatize going on for how much it hurt and how much they bled... like that proves how much of a virgin they be or something.

if you're hymens already broken it won't hurt at all, and believe it or not MOST girls hymens break up to that time the first time they have sex. If your hymen hasn't torn all the same, it'll probably just be aware of like getting pinched

if you're not sure if your hymen is broken however or not, get a mirror and a flashlight and look, if it's here, you'll easily know how to see it. it looks like a piece of saran wrap

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come on girl produce it hurt so good.yeah
it close to a sharp knife later a dull blunt stick ,then a fullfilling longing desire finaly happy .baby youl love it adjectives girls do .maybe done right ,you want some help ring up me.i ll pop that cherry when i bit your nipple youll never know it happened. you obligation a lover.

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it depends on the penis size of your partner,, but i be ok when i did it ,,many frequent years ago

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For some society it doesn't hurt at all. Losing your virginity and breaking the hymen are two different things by the method. Losing your virginity means have a penis inserted into your vagina which does not hurt if you are well lubricated. When your hymen opening you may have some discomfort but if it tears during sports you may not even realize that you tore it.

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well i say when i first lost my virginty i thought its going to hurt REALLY discouraging. but it didn't i guess its because i do stretches it loosen up my hymen.

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It doesn't necessarily hurt. You could hold easily stretched your hymen beforehand you have sex, which would minimilize spasm. You could also have not be born with it. It also help if you're relaxed, and turned on while you have sex to minimize any sort of discomfort. Also, one point I might advise is to any play with a dildo or to enjoy your partner finger you a few weeks before foot to get you used to the fear.

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It does hurt, but it's a different type of hurt. John Cougar Mellencamp sung, "hurts so good," and I believe that's an apt description.

It hurts less if your partner help get you surrounded by the mood.

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it hurts worthy

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