How come girls simply pee a little bit and guys pee closely more?

how come guys pee a lot more girls singular pee a little


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If a girl and a boy have indistinguishable amount of pee in their bladders and start peeing at indistinguishable time, the girl will finish first because her uretha is wider - she can empty her bladder faster - she can turn the stroke on more than a guy can.

What does in anticipate when you start to pee more often?

along near the previous answer, it also has to do next to bladder size, how long u hold it in 4, how much u drink, etc

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i regard that they generally own a bigger bladder therefore they can hold their pee within for longer!! im not positive but my brother only pees resembling 3 times a day!! my fiance pees more frequenty but he drinks lots of coffee which make you have to stir toilet more!!

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Male bladders hold more urine than female bladders. (The idea females have to shift more often is due to the ureter is closer to the outside of the body.)

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men enjoy a bigger bladder and women have a big hole...

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