Why are my breasts sore if I'm not pregnant!?

I've asked on here a few times about impulsive pregnancy and if I could be pregnant and I've gotten mixed answers. I've had 4 refusal pregnancy tests and for times past few days my breasts have become sore. I'm seeing my doctor in two weeks so that isn't really of assistance. Can my breasts be growing? I am 21 years old. If I messed up my birth control and stopped taking it 1 week ago, is this why they're sore? Please permit me know ANYTHING you may know. Thank you!

WARNING!! girls only!!?

your breasts could be growing or this may also be due to your menstrual cycle. sore breasts are usually a sign of a extent.

Can I be pregs?

your body has hormonal change each week.

My period r late, i own horrible cramps and no i am not pregnant?

maybe its just your spell starting or ending? I don`t know the birth control mess up you had is cause the soreness feel better

On behalf of my gf - smear try-out worries?

maybe it's the birth control..

Does anyone have pubic hackle anymore or do most young folks shave it?

When I stopped my pill because I thought I was pregnant my boobs be really sore.It'll stop when your hormone levels gain back to average x

What is that hot spot on the vagina that makes a girl travel crazy called?

This happen to me, too.
If the docs say you're not pregnant, you're overweight.
Walk around the entire neighborhood every morning. That's what I do, and I get rid of some fat.

I am avarege size but, i own these small strech marks on my side and my hips, how do i win rid of them?

Could be your period coming on.

Menstrual symptoms ebb and flow.

Some months I get sore boobs, or cramps afterwards some I don't.

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