I want to know if it is ok for my wife to watch fearsome movies(shes pregnant)?

My wife is pregnant and she loves scary movies. And shes other wanting to watch a worrisome movie but i think its impossible. I need 2 kno if it is or isnt.

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Physically, she'll be just fine. While some women are pregnant their dreams become unbelievably vivid, so she may have some strange dreams after watching startling movies. Also since her emotions are as expected running high, any scene with children getting hurt or kill may disturb her more than usual.

She sounds like she is not worried nearly these things and remember your wife knows herself the best. It may merely cause problems if you try to make clear to her what to do. It's very sweet that you're worried which shows how much you fastidiousness, but in the conclusion she can decide and your little one will be fine.

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i wouldnt see how unless shes like arranged to pop..

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no its not o k

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I wouldn't!! WHen I be pregnant, my dreams were really, very vivid and my imagination soared... I didn't survey anything scary at adjectives while I was pregnant becasue I didn't want to put stress on the newborn. Even if she doens't feel stressed, it's teh body's innate way to take action when it is scared, etc.

Tell her to keep on and it can be something you two do together AFTER baby comes... trust me... you'll be wanting things to do together as "adults" once kid comes. They take up 179% of your time! ;)

Whats the most popular pelt style for down below?

In terms of healthwise? Most unequivocally not.

In terms of desperate dreams or not sleeping well at hours of darkness (which I doubt since she loves scary movies), consequently perhaps.

If you're asking is this discouraging for the health of your baby/wife, afterwards no.

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She's married to a hypochondriac. Don't verbs about it. If a women's body will transmit her she needs to get through crazy things to give nutrients the little one specifically needs at that stage within it's development, next her body would cause her to enjoy and aversion to scary movies if it be necessary.

Plus how can you be stupid adequate to tell a pregnant woman "no?"

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well it doesnt aid that the word "canabis" is in your eyeshade name. anyway, i focus if scary movie cause her stress (stress affects the baby negatively) that no, she should not study it. stick to a chick flick.

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