What is birth controL?

wat is it? how does it work?

I want to know if anythings will comes out from a woman after climax and ejaculation?

it makes the personage not pregnant. If you have time, than it means your not pregy. Birth control only just prevents the two eggs from forming into one which cause pregnancy and it also blocks or kill the sperm so it cannot reach the egg. Having term on birth control, i dont know if that is the middle-of-the-road thing.

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Birth control is a channel to prevent pregnancy while still having sex.

Im 13 and i havent have my period yett i neeed some adivice?

birth control works as a contraceptive to prevent pregnancy. it can be taken surrounded by the form of a pill or a shot. they r not approving new devices that prevents pregnancy resembling something inserted inside the females vagina to prevent it

Hi! i have a qestion nearly implantation bleeding?

Birth control could be a condom or the pill or a IUD, diaphragm, just to signature a few.
It is a way to prevent the un considered necessary pregnancy.

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