Period relieve?

is it normal for it too be hard to digest in the morning & desk light by the afternoon (as in everyday of your period) gratefulness x

My period is over a month postponed. I had my tubes tied over 3 years ago so I'm not pregnant.?

Actually, it is, and here's why. When you pretend down overnight, the blood pools in your uterus. When you stand up surrounded by the morning, gravity takes over and it begin to work its way out. By afternoon, adjectives the excess blood has gone and you are one and only dealing with what is in truth flowing at the time. Then you go to bed at hours of darkness, and it starts all over again the subsequent morning.

Six flags and my period?

you can other become a bears hanger-on

My period isnt middle-of-the-road!?

Talk to your doc. Each person is different.

I enjoy no boobs and i am in 10th title!?

yes because you've slept all darkness and fluid builds up, but over the course of the day you are going to the restroom more commonly, so it doesn't really have much time to build up resembling overnight.

Feeling like crap on Ortho Tri Cyclen lo, subdivision 2?

normal is what ever is normal for your body. blood will lay in the uterus when you are sleeping...later when you get up it will flow...this is mundane when you are awake you are more conscious of blood flow and change pad/tampon more commonly there by making it seem to be the flow is less.

Girls if you tender good warning, come here!?

hey there yer i mull over its pretty normal i imply after the first day or 2, i almost stop previously going going bed and during the night until the morning! im sure ur fine

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