I really really requirement an answer?

Me and my bf were have phone sex last darkness and I was fingering myself. Usually I use 1 finger but closing night I used 2. When I go to the bathroom later that dark there be blood in my underwear so I looked at my appendage and blood was adjectives over it. The blood was not continuous. People enunciate that my hymen could've been broken by fingering myself but what I'm maxim is that I have be using tampons for a while now, and bigger things own gone up there up to that time, so if my hymen ever broke it would've probably been a while ago. I'm still a virgin though. If it help my period have ended approaching two days before that. I obligation to know what other things could've made me bleed from that. Please give some or the most promising reasons this could've happen.


I have no theory what these blood clumps could be?

It's funny you say that bigger things own gone up in here. From my own PERSONAL experience, it took bike riding to "clinically" break my hymen. The sex didn't do it.

There are a few things that could have happen;
1. You broke your hymen
2. You scratched yourself in the act
3. You disturbed the remnants of your cycle that's suppose to be "discharged" slowly after said cycle is over.

If the bleeding continue, I recommend seeing a doctor. Good Luck!

I've never been to an OBGYN until that time?

could have broken your hymen, sometimes it solely partially breaks, a short time at a time. You could also have tinny vaginal walls due to no sexual activity, and if you scratched it next to your fingernail you could bleed that way too.

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